The computer should recognise it as a new device and demand that you install the software. Once you’ve removed all the packaging tape (which secures anything that might move during transit), and unlocked the sliding security lock on the rear panel, you can plug the V600 into the mains power, switch it on (via a switch, low on the right side) and connect it to your computer via the supplied (and quite long) USB cable. With a footprint measuring 280 x 485 mm it occupies a fair bit of desk space but, overall, it looks quite smart.

Compared with the V700, it’s surprisingly light and quite a bit smaller (particularly in height), and generally solidly built, although not up to the standard of the V700. The V600 comes in a large box with foam packaging that is split to make it easy to lift out the scanner. Both boast a 3.4 D-max optical density and both have a built-in Transparency Unit that enables users to scan two six-frame film strips, four mounted 35mm slides or a medium-format film strip up to 22 cm long. Otherwise, their specifications are similar. The V600 Photo is distinguished from the cheaper V500 model by lower power consumption in the Sleep mode. The V700 also gains the advantage of the sophisticated scanning application, SilverFast SE6, while the V600 gets Epson Event Manager, which enables users to assign any of the scanner buttons to open a program to which the scan can be directed. Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 is bundled with the V700 and V500, while the more recently-released V600 gets Photoshop Elements 7.0 (Windows) and 6.0 (Mac). The software bundles are subtly different for each model, although all come with Epson Scan and Epson Creativity Suite plus ABBYY Finereader Sprint 6 (Win) / Sprint 5 (Mac) OCR software. White cold cathode fluorescent lamp, IR LED Matrix CCD (12 line with on chip micro lens) Matrix CCD with Micro Lens and Dual Lens System Specifications of the three models are compared in the table below. Scanning times should be faster with this technology.Īlthough the V600 can’t scan as many films as the V700 and it lacks some of its functions, all three models feature 6400 dpi optical resolution and all come with DIGITAL ICE Technologies provide advanced dust and scratch removal. The V600 also features Epson’s Matrix on-chip CCD Micro Lens technology, which increases the amount of light entering the scanning head. The ReadyScan LED technology used for illumination in the V600 (and also the V500) is roughly twice as energy efficient as the light source in the V700. Epson’s Perfection V600 Photo scanner, shown with the supplied film holders.